Am I the only one with these imposter thoughts and feelings?

“In spite of being happy with my job now, I’m constantly scared of being fired as I was laid off in lockdown.”

“I used to hate being billed out at an agency because I didn’t think I was worth what was being charged for me.”

“I recently joined a networking group with my new business. Everyone else was talking confidently about what they do, and I felt embarrassed that they would realise that I only had two clients and had only been doing this for a very short time.”

These are genuine replies to the question “Have you ever felt like an imposter?” which I posed during a webinar last week. The webinar in question was hosted by recruitment company Ten2Two and was entitled “Overcoming Imposter Syndrome – finding confidence when looking for work.” They had around 700 registrations which shows that no-one is alone in having imposter feelings or thoughts.

Picture of Thoko Njoloma

Thoko Njoloma

Thoko offers personal development life and career coaching supporting professional team members and families, self-employed or managers.

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Thoko Njoloma

Human Resources Career Coach

Thoko offers personal development life and career coaching supporting professional team members and families, self-employed or managers.

Thoko Njoloma

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